MOPUP and the Case of the Roasted Chestnuts
VERCEL Website development
Digital Art Direction
If you work in advertising in Portugal, you have a problem. Every time you present a national campaign to a client - meaning a campaign to run in Portugal - you stage it and show it in beautiful outdoor advertising photos... of New York. Or London. Or Paris.

Simply because you don’t have any good Portuguese outdoor advertising photos (mockups) available to make your campaign shine.

Is it seriously damaging to your work?

Probably not.

But wouldn’t it be nice to present your ad surrounded by cars and buildings that your client recognizes from real life - and not from movies?  

Yes, it would.

How about the casual-pedestrian-with-street-food in your mockup photo? Wouldn’t it make sense they would have, instead of american hotdogs or french crépes, the real Portuguese Mccoy: roasted chestnuts?

It sure would.

That's why Judas came up with the following idea:

The Insight

What if an outdoor advertising brand decided to produce mockups of real outdoors in real places in real Portugal? And then offered it to Portuguese advertising creatives, ready-to-use in their presentations?

This brand would be present in creative agencies and presentation meetings, really close to the action, where decision-makers buy advertising and, you guessed it, advertising space. 

The Solution

MOP is one of the main Out of Home (OOH) advertising brands in Portugal.

Judas - the ad agency - pitched to MOP the idea of creating a Portuguese outdoor ads mockup bank: a website where creatives can download mockups for their presentations and, of course, running a campaign to promote it. 

We teamed up with Judas to create the website. 

We took off from their initial visual concept - an aesthetic of signage and mockups - to develop a strong design system. We maintained the campaign’s impact and immediacy and expanded the visual vocabulary to include buttons, animations, and various content containers to meet a signage logic.

For the mockup bank - the campaign website - we created a minimalist interface with brutalist inspiration. 

We worked to:

  •  Minimize the cognitive load required for the user to accomplish their goals;
  •  Maximize the perceived value and visual impact of our mockups; 
  •  Create the occasional surprise element throughout the experience.
The Extra Mile

The site was produced in record time.
We launched it at the Clube de Criativos de Portugal awards festival.
Nobody in the ad business knew about the project until the award judges started to vote.
It was the cherry-on-top moment of the campaign.
You see, the project was launched and advertised for the first time - spot on - on our target group: the awards judges, meaning creative directors, clients, media and all kinds of ad people.

The Results

The project received 7 shortlist nominations at the festival. The website won 3 awards:

  • Bronze Award for User Interface in Digital & Social
  • Silver Award for Art Direction in Digital & Social
  • Silver Award for New Media in Meios (Media)